Faa medical certificate eye disqualifying conditions

Applicants with many visual conditions may be found qualified for FAA certification following the receipt and review of specialty evaluations and pertinent medical records. Examples include retinal detachment with surgical correction, open angle glaucoma under adequate control with medication, and narrow angle glaucoma following surgical correction.

The AME may not issue a certificate under such circumstances for the initial application, except in the case of applicants following cataract surgery. The AME may issue a certificate after cataract surgery for applicants who have undergone cataract surgery with or without lens(es) implant. If pertinent medical records and a current ophthalmologic evaluation (using FAA Form 8500-7 or FAA Form 8500-14) indicate that the applicant meets the standards, the FAA may delegate authority to the AME to issue subsequent certificates.

The following lists the most common conditions of aeromedical significance, and course of action that should be taken by the examiner as defined by the protocol and disposition in the table. Medical certificates must not be issued to an applicant with medical conditions that require deferral, or for any condition not listed that may result in sudden or subtle incapacitation without consulting the AMCD or the RFS. Medical documentation must be submitted for any condition in order to support an issuance of an airman medical certificate.

Note: Numbers correspond to the required entry in the AME portion of the FAA Form 8500-8

25. Head, Face, Neck, and Scalp 42. Upper and Lower Extremities
26. Nose 43. Spine and other Musculoskeletal
27. Sinuses 44. Identifying Body Marks, Scars, Tattoos
28. Mouth and Throat 45. Lymphatics
29. Ear 46. Neurologic
30. Ear Drums 47. Psychiatric Conditions
31. Eyes 48. General Systemic
32. Ophthalmoscopic 49. Hearing
33. Pupils 50. Distant Vision
34. Ocular Motility 51. Near and Intermediate Vision
35. Lungs and Chest 52. Color Vision
36. Heart 53. Field of Vision
37. Vascular System 54. Heterophoria
38. Abdomen and Viscera 55. Blood Pressure
39. Anus (No Disposition) 56. Pulse
40. Skin 57. Urinalysis
41. G-U System 58. ECG (No Disposition)

Note: Numbers correspond to the required entry in the AME portion of the FAA Form 8500-8

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