Computerized engine controls

Publication date 2004 Topics Automobiles -- Motors -- Computer control systems, Automobiles -- Electronic equipment Publisher Clifton Park, NY : Thomson Learning Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Volume 6 Item Size 1.9G

xi, 655 pages : 24 cm

Earlier ed. had authors names reversed

A review of electricity and electronics -- Computers in cars -- Common components for computerized engine control systems -- Diagnostic concepts -- Diagnostic equipment -- Exhaust gas analysis -- OBD II self-diagnosis -- Multiplexing concepts -- General motors' computer command control -- General motors' electronic fuel injection -- General motors' port fuel injection -- Cadillac's digital fuel injection -- Advanced general motors' engine controls -- Ford's EEC I, EEC II and EEC III -- Ford's electronic engine control IV (EEC IV) -- Ford's electronic engine control V (EEC V) -- Chrysler's oxygen feedback system -- DaimlerChrysler single-point and multipoint fuel injection systems -- European (Bosch) engine control systems -- Asian computer control systems -- Electronically controlned diesel engine systems


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