Homeschool Transcript Examples

If you are at the beginning stages of creating a homeschool transcript for your high school homeschool student, I know it can be daunting.

Rest assured, though, you can do this!

Check out these homeschool transcript examples to help understand what you need to include on your student’s transcript.

Homeschool Transcript Examples

You can set up the homeschool high school transcript in two basic ways: by year or by subject.

When you create a transcript by year, it showcases each academic year of high school as a separate part of the transcript. This is the traditional choice.

When you create a transcript by subject, the transcript is organized by academic subject (English, math, social studies, science, electives, etc.).

My personal choice for my students was to arrange the transcript by subject; I chose this because I wanted to emphasize their elective choices. For instance, my older son had gobs of art and music classes. Arranging the transcript by subject allowed, at first glance, the viewer to see this unique part of my son’s education.

I also chose to organize the transcript by subject because my students start taking high school classes in 8 th grade. I wasn’t sure where to put these classes on the traditional transcript. When choosing the academic subject option, I didn’t have to worry about adding an 8 th grade year; I simply put the courses under the appropriate subjects.

Even though I prefer the academic subject transcript, know that a few universities require the transcript to be organized by year.

You can see examples of each type of transcript below.

Homeschool Transcript Example by Year

This transcript sample is organized by year.

Homeschool Transcript Example by Subject

This homeschool transcript sample is organized by subject.

Important Parts of a Homeschool High School Transcript

If you want to create your own homeschool transcript from scratch, make sure you include the following information; this information is vital for both types of transcripts.

Labeled Transcript Example

Let’s dissect a homeschool transcript and look at the most essential parts.

If the image is too small for you, you can grab a copy of this labeled Homeschool Transcript Example below.

How to Make a Homeschool High School Transcript

If you are ready to start making your student’s transcript, you’ll find more information and free homeschool transcript templates at the end of this post.

You can open the transcript template you want, save it to your computer and insert all of your student’s information. Easy peasy.

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Welcome! I’m a big believer in inspiring kids, cultivating curiosity, delight directed learning, living books, field trip adventures, and keeping your sanity while homeschooling. I hope you find something encouraging here today! You can learn a bit more about me here.